Parenting Program
You can be a successful parent. We'll show you how.
You can be a successful parent. We'll show you how.
From the moment you discover you are pregnant until your child’s second year, our parenting program offers the support and resources you need for a healthy pregnancy and confident parenting. You may qualify for our parenting program by referral through the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center.
This program is free, and it is for men and women, providing individual, personalized parenting education that prepares you for the birth and first years with your child. Topics include:
Men and women who participate in this program can earn free cribs, car seats, diapers, clothing and other baby necessities. The unique role of fathers is addressed specifically through our men’s services department, where male staff and trained coaches meet one-on-one with fathers who are participating.
Parenting can be daunting. Challenging parenthood is unavoidable, even if you expected your pregnancy. But there is little doubt that an unplanned pregnancy can add an extra element of anxiety to the situation. Fortunately, there is help available for you if you recently became pregnant and choose to parent your child: Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center’s LifeSteps program.
If you are interested in our parenting program, don’t hesitate to contact the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center today.